Thursday, February 28, 2008

Slowly, but Surely...

Funny, I haven't even sent this out to many people yet other than a few friends...and here I am entering another post. Guess I feel like writing! I am still full of enthusiasm about my business and things seem to be progressing slowly. Business cards are on their way to my house and a designer is figuring out my clothing labels (tags, in other words) as I type. I am just thrilled to see them soon! With the help of friends (thanks Lisa and Brandy!!!), I have many resources to consider and lots of important "business matters" to still deal with.
With spring fast approaching, I would love to begin taking orders for some fun little sets or dresses. Here's the deal...I placed a small order for fabric the other day and I'm so much wanting to buy more (the funds just aren't there yet!), but I don't want to make any big orders until I know I will have people lined up to purchase things from me. See what I'm saying?
IF you think you might be interested in something (and PLEASE don't pressure me to get things done in time for Easter!!!), drop me a line in my email: I already have lots and lots of ideas for summer projects so once I make some sales and get some extra $$$, I'll be able to splurge on more fabricato (my fun way of saying fabric for today).
Still Excited,
Jessie June (yes, this is where the name Junebug came from...I wasn't born in June, but my mom has called me Junebug or Junie since I can remember!)

4 comments: said...

I am so incredibly excited and happy for you! You make amazing children's boutique clothing and have an even more amazing eye for color and pattern! May the Lord bless your new endeavor!

Megan said...
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Megan said...

This is so very exciting! Now I REALLY can't wait to have babies!! Hopefully I can provide you with some business sooner rather than later. Your outfits are already amazing... I can't imagine what more is to come. Thanks for sharing!!

Cheryl Troxel said...

I am so excited to see all of this come together. I can't wait to order some for the girls. Let me know when you are ready for my order:) And of course, come August, I will need an outfit or two for the newest Troxel as well.